Module Gnuplot.Series

module Series: sig .. end

type t 
Represents a series of data for the plot functions in the Gp module.
val lines : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t -> ?weight:int -> float list -> t
lines data creates a data series for a line plot of Y values.
val lines_xy : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int -> (float * float) list -> t
lines_xy data creates a data series for a line plot of X and Y values.
val lines_timey : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int -> (Core.Std.Time.t * float) list -> t
lines_xy data creates a data series for a line plot of time and Y values.
val lines_datey : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int -> (Core.Std.Date.t * float) list -> t
lines_datey data creates a data series for a line plot of date and Y values.
val lines_func : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t -> ?weight:int -> string -> t
lines_func f creates a data series for a line plot of the values given by a function f specified in the Gnuplot format, eg `sin(x)`. The X values come from the range object that was supplied to one of the plot functions in the Gp module.
val points : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t -> ?weight:int -> float list -> t
points data creates a data series for a point plot of Y values.
val points_xy : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int -> (float * float) list -> t
points_xy data creates a data series for a point plot of X and Y values.
val points_timey : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int -> (Core.Std.Time.t * float) list -> t
points_timey data creates a data series for a point plot of time and Y values.
val points_datey : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int -> (Core.Std.Date.t * float) list -> t
points_datey data creates a data series for a point plot of date and Y values.
val points_func : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t -> ?weight:int -> string -> t
points_func f creates a data series for a point plot of the values given by a function f specified in the Gnuplot format, eg `sin(x)`. The X values come from the range object that was supplied to one of the plot functions in the Gp module below.
val linespoints : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t -> ?weight:int -> float list -> t
linespoints data creates a data series for a lines and points plot of Y values.
val linespoints_xy : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int -> (float * float) list -> t
linespoints_xy data creates a data series for a lines and points plot of X and Y values.
val linespoints_timey : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int -> (Core.Std.Time.t * float) list -> t
linespoints_timey data creates a data series for a lines and points plot of time and Y values.
val linespoints_datey : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int -> (Core.Std.Date.t * float) list -> t
linespoints_datey data creates a data series for a lines and points plot of date and Y values.
val linespoints_func : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t -> ?weight:int -> string -> t
linespoints_func f creates a data series for a lines and points plot of the values given by a function f specified in the Gnuplot format, eg `sin(x)`. The X values come from the range object that was supplied to one of the plot functions in the Gp module below.
val steps : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t -> ?weight:int -> float list -> t
steps data creates a data series for a step function of Y values.
val steps_xy : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int -> (float * float) list -> t
steps_xy data creates a data series for a step function of X and Y values.
val steps_timey : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int -> (Core.Std.Time.t * float) list -> t
steps_timey data creates a data series for a step function of time and Y values.
val steps_datey : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int -> (Core.Std.Date.t * float) list -> t
steps_datey data creates a data series for a step function of date and Y values.
val histogram : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int -> ?fill:Gnuplot.Filling.t -> float list -> t
histogram data creates a data series for a histogram of Y values.
val candles_time_ohlc : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int ->
?fill:Gnuplot.Filling.t ->
(Core.Std.Time.t * (float * float * float * float)) list -> t
candles_time_ohlc data creates a data series for a candlestick chart.
val candles_date_ohlc : ?title:string ->
?color:Gnuplot.Color.t ->
?weight:int ->
?fill:Gnuplot.Filling.t ->
(Core.Std.Date.t * (float * float * float * float)) list -> t
candles_date_ohlc data creates a data series for a candlestick chart indexed by date.