Module Bar

module Bar: sig .. end
Creates a new time bar from the given arguments.

type t = private {
   stamp : Core.Std.Time.t;
   op : Price.t;
   hi : Price.t;
   lo : Price.t;
   cl : Price.t;
   vo : Volume.t;
   wap : Price.t;
   has_gaps : bool;
   n_trades : int;
val n_trades : t -> int
val has_gaps : t -> bool
val wap : t -> Price.t
val vo : t -> Volume.t
val cl : t -> Price.t
val lo : t -> Price.t
val hi : t -> Price.t
val op : t -> Price.t
val stamp : t -> Core.Std.Time.t
module Fields: sig .. end
include Raw_bar_intf.S
val create : stamp:Core.Std.Time.t ->
op:Price.t ->
hi:Price.t ->
lo:Price.t ->
cl:Price.t ->
vo:Volume.t -> wap:Price.t -> has_gaps:bool -> n_trades:int -> t
Creates a new time bar from the given arguments.
val (=) : t -> t -> bool
Checks two bars for equality.
val combine : t -> bar:t -> t
combine t ~bar combines t and bar into a new bar whose size is the sum of the sizes of these bars, e.g. two 1 min bars become a 2 min bar.
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Pretty printer for bars.
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t

Creates a new time bar from the given arguments.

Checks two bars for equality.

combine t ~bar combines t and bar into a new bar whose size is the sum of the sizes of these bars, e.g. two 1 min bars become a 2 min bar.

Pretty printer for bars.