Module Ib.Streaming_request

module Streaming_request: sig .. end

type ('query, 'response) t 
module Id: Core.Std.Unique_id 
val create : ?canc_header:Send_tag.t Ib.Header.t ->
?skip_header:Recv_tag.t Ib.Header.t list ->
send_header:Send_tag.t Ib.Header.t ->
recv_header:Recv_tag.t Ib.Header.t list ->
tws_query:'query Tws_prot.Pickler.t ->
tws_response:'response Tws_prot.Unpickler.t list ->
unit -> ('query, 'response) t
val dispatch : ('query, 'response) t ->
Ib.Connection.t ->
'query ->
('response Tws_result.t Async.Std.Pipe.Reader.t * Id.t) Core.Std.Or_error.t
val cancel : ('a, 'b) t -> Ib.Connection.t -> Id.t -> unit
cancel req con id cancels the TWS data stream from the request associated with the unique identifier id, which was returned as part of a call to dispatch.